Healthy Skin & Beauty Treatment Center

sun protection

Sun Protection Essentials: Choosing the Right SPF and Maintaining Healthy Sun Habits

The sun, our radiant neighbor, provides warmth, light, and essential vitamin D. But beneath its warm embrace lies a hidden danger: ultraviolet (UV) rays. These invisible rays damage our skin, causing sunburn, premature aging, and even skin cancer. So, how do we enjoy the sun's benefits without becoming its victim? This...


4 Facts You Need to Know About SPF

Each time you step outside in the sun, you are exposing your skin to potentially dangerous ultraviolet (UV) rays. Sun overexposure can result in early-onset aging, skin damage and even lead to the development of skin cancer. The best way to protect your skin from both ultraviolet A (UVA) and...


8 Beauty Expert Tips During At-Home-Self-Care

The quarantine during the pandemic may have us raising the bar on our communication skills, but many of us are struggling in the self-care department. Pedicures and root touch-ups have fallen by the wayside, and massages may be a pipe dream until the pandemic subsides. Here are 8 Beauty Expert...


5 Tips for a Healthy Skin while Stuck at Home

Staying home is the best way to combat the spread of the coronavirus, but remaining indoors for extended periods of time could lead to skin damage. You might need to change up your skin-care routine if you're self-isolating or in quarantine because of the coronavirus. To know what people need...


The Most Effective Sunscreen for Your Type

Unless you’ve been living under a proverbial rock, you know that using sunscreen daily is imperative. Like exercise and drinking water, applying sunscreen is a simple practice that yields vast dividends and is also somehow so easy to neglect. Here is The Most Effective Sunscreen for Your Type. (more…)



The Skeyndor Power Oxygen collection protects your skin from environmental pollution and provides it with the oxygen it needs, perfect for skin living in urban environments. WHY POWER OXYGEN? Oxygen is needed for energy production giving the skin a healthy colour, luminosity and radiance, an abundant supply of oxygen will ensure good...

going outside

5 Impressive Health Benefits of Going Outside

How often do you spend the day outside? If you're like many people, the answer is "not often enough." Staying inside could be damaging your health, though. The great outdoors offers a number of surprising health benefits that you'll miss out on if you never venture outside. (more…)

healthy woman

How To Prevent Your Skin From Sagging Like An Orange

Our skin health is important not only for your appearance but more importantly because your skin performs so many essential tasks for our body. Our skin protects our body from the many viruses and bacteria you are exposed to daily. It also protects you from the sun's rays - specifically...


2 Hours To “Look & Feel” 2 Years Younger! Possible?

Is your time limited but still want to maintain your fresh and young look? In Healthy Skin Phuket, we have a special 2 hours procedure to propose... (more…)

benefits of sunlight

5 Facts About Sun Spots That Will Shock You!

There a few truths about sun spots, like how you don't want them and the best way to prevent them is by wearing sunscreen. There are other truths you may now be aware of, so here five other facts you need to know to prevent and treat these spots. (more…)