Healthy Skin & Beauty Treatment Center

5 Facts About Sun Spots That Will Shock You!

There a few truths about sun spots, like how you don’t want them and the best way to prevent them is by wearing sunscreen. There are other truths you may now be aware of, so here five other facts you need to know to prevent and treat these spots.

  1. Sunspots are common skin condition usually found on sun-exposed areas like face, back of hands and forearms. You can catch them before they surface by using a brightening complex and exfoliating once a week. However, if they have surfaced, it’s better to treat them sooner than later. Your best bet is to begin using retinol at night within six months of seeing a sunspot to remove them with a single treatment effectively.
  2. Sunspots are not cancerous; however, they can turn into skin cancer (squamous cell carcinoma).
  3. Sunspots affect people with fair skin more than people with dark skin. More than 90% of light-skinned people over the age of 60 have sun-related age spots
  4. Sunspots are not freckles. They may look similar but are two different things. The best way to determine if you have sunspots is to see a Doctor.
  5. Sunspots are caused by direct, prolonged exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays or from artificial sources of ultraviolet rays, like from a tanning bed.

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