Healthy Skin & Beauty Treatment Center

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  • March 27, 2023

What Is Ultherapy?

Ulthera Skin Tightening

Ultherapy is the first FDA-cleared, non-invasive, skin rejuvenating procedure, achieved with the use of micro-focused ultrasound. By gently heating the underlying tissue, the device triggers the body’s natural production of collagen, without damaging the top layer of skin.

It is a non-surgical skin tightening procedure which is inviting for those who are considering possible surgery in the future, but are not yet ready (either financially or mentally) to undergo an invasive, life-changing procedure.

We also see younger patients seeking treatment who come to stay one step ahead of the game; prevention is often cheaper than the cure!

How Does Ultherapy Works?

Tiny amounts of focused energy are delivered to the deep layers of skin, bypassing the surface, and stimulating collagen at the dermal level for a lifting and tightening effect during the 30-60 minute treatment, which most physicians perform with pain medication.

The device features an imaging screen so our doctor can see how much energy is passing through the skin and where it will be directed. Your skin may be red or feel swollen (particularly in the first few days following treatment) Two or three months post-treatment you should notice tighter skin.

Who Is a Good Candidate For Ultherapy?

A right Ultherapy candidate has mild to moderate skin laxity where the skin begins to feel and look less firm.

What Can I Expect After Having An Ultherapy Treatment?

The skin might appear flushed at first, but the redness should disappear within a few hours. Some patients experience slight swelling, tingling, or tenderness to the touch, but these are contemporary. Other, less common post-procedural effects may include temporary bruising or numbness on small areas of skin.


Q. Are there any side effects?

Ans: The skin might appear flushed at first, but the redness should disappear within a few hours. Some patients experience slight swelling, tingling, or tenderness to the touch, but these are temporary. Other, less common post-procedural effects may include temporary bruising or numbness on small areas of skin. As with any medical procedure, there is the possibility of other rare effects, which your practitioner will review with you.

Q. How does Ultherapy differ from laser treatments?

 Ans: Ultherapy uses sound energy – tried-and-true ultrasound – which has unique properties that allow it to bypass the surface of the skin to treat depths not matched by any other non-invasive cosmetic device. Ultherapy ultrasound stimulates collagen production in the skin’s foundation, resulting in a clinically significant lift of tissue over 2-3 months.

Lasers rely on light energy, which cannot reach deeper skin layers at an optimal temperature, so laser treatments typically only treat superficial skin and are not FDA-cleared to lift skin.

Since the two technologies often treat different types of skin issues, they’re very compatible.

Q. How does Ultherapy stimulate the creation of collagen?

Ans: Ultherapy deposits focused ultrasound energy deep beneath the skin at the optimal temperature for collagen regeneration. The treatment jump starts a natural process, known as neocollagenesis, to produce fresh, new collagen. Ultherapy doesn’t involve any creams, fillers or toxins; it just relies on your body’s collagen-building process for natural, noticeable results

Q. How is Ultherapy different from other cosmetic procedures?

Ans: Ultherapy is the only non-surgical cosmetic procedure that uses focused ultrasound to stimulate the growth of new collagen deep within the skin. The production of new collagen occurs over time so that results can become more apparent over three to six months. The procedure takes only about an hour for most patients, and there is no downtime.

It also is the only procedure to use ultrasound imaging, which allows us to see the layers of tissue we target during the treatment and ensure the energy is deposited precisely to where it will be most effective.

Q. How many Ultherapy treatments will I need?

Ans: Most patients only need one treatment. However, based on the degree of skin laxity, the biological response to ultrasound energy and the individual’s collagen-building process, some patients benefit from additional treatments. Because skin continues to age, future touch-up treatments can help patients keep pace with the body’s natural aging process.

Q. So how exactly does Ultherapy change from laser light treatments?

Ans: Ultherapy uses sound energy – tried-and-true ultrasound – which includes unique properties that let it bypass the top of the skin to take care of depths not matched by any non-invasive cosmetic device. Ultherapy ultrasound stimulates collagen production in the skin’s foundation, producing a significant lift of tissue over 2-3 months clinically.

Lasers depend on light energy, which cannot reach deeper skin layers at an optimal temperature, so laser light treatments typically only treat superficial skin and so are not FDA-cleared to lift skin.

Because the two technologies treat various kinds of skin issues often, they’re very compatible.

Please feel free to contact us for a booking or may also connect to us on our WHATSAPP MOBILE No. +66 89 866 2545 Healthy Skin & Beauty Treatment Center