Healthy Skin & Beauty Treatment Center

sun protection

Sun Protection Essentials: Choosing the Right SPF and Maintaining Healthy Sun Habits

The sun, our radiant neighbor, provides warmth, light, and essential vitamin D. But beneath its warm embrace lies a hidden danger: ultraviolet (UV) rays. These invisible rays damage our skin, causing sunburn, premature aging, and even skin cancer. So, how do we enjoy the sun's benefits without becoming its victim? This...

Why Indoor Tanning Is Just As Dangerous As Outdoor Sun Tanning

Why Indoor Tanning Is Just As Dangerous As Outdoor Sun Tanning

There is a myth that many people believe indoor tanning from a tanning bed is safer than tanning in the sun. After all, the tanning is done under the watchful eye of a company that can monitor and control the level of UV exposure to make it safer, right? Wrong!...


4 Facts You Need to Know About SPF

Each time you step outside in the sun, you are exposing your skin to potentially dangerous ultraviolet (UV) rays. Sun overexposure can result in early-onset aging, skin damage and even lead to the development of skin cancer. The best way to protect your skin from both ultraviolet A (UVA) and...


Skin Spots: Age Spots, Moles, Melasma, and Freckles Differences

All humans have some form of pigmented spotting along their skin. Whether you are born with these skin spots or develop them over time through aging or sun exposure, it’s essential to monitor your skin. You can discuss any changes in your skin markings with a dermatologist. Here are Skin...

Sun Cream in the Sand with Sunglasses on a Beach

Physical Sunscreen vs. Chemical Sunscreen

By now, you’ve heard that wearing sunscreen (even on cloudy days during the winter months) is the most effective way to protect your skin from sun damage, early-onset aging, and even skin cancer. You probably also know that you should be using a broad-spectrum formulation (meaning it protects the skin...