Healthy Skin & Beauty Treatment Center

Pains during period days

6 Foods You Must Eat During Your Period Days to Relief Pain

Research shows that these foods, along with staying hydrated, can help reduce pain and other symptoms such as bloating, water retention, poor concentration, and irritability during your period days. (more…)

going outside

5 Impressive Health Benefits of Going Outside

How often do you spend the day outside? If you're like many people, the answer is "not often enough." Staying inside could be damaging your health, though. The great outdoors offers a number of surprising health benefits that you'll miss out on if you never venture outside. (more…)

healthy woman

How To Prevent Your Skin From Sagging Like An Orange

Our skin health is important not only for your appearance but more importantly because your skin performs so many essential tasks for our body. Our skin protects our body from the many viruses and bacteria you are exposed to daily. It also protects you from the sun's rays - specifically...