Healthy Skin & Beauty Treatment Center

Male vs. Female Facelift: What’s The Difference?

Patients often ask if the surgical technique for a facelift varies between men and women. The short answer is yes. Facelift procedures are performed slightly differently on men (referred to as “male facelift”) than it is for women (referred to as “female facelift”) for a variety of reasons. Here are...


Does Drinking Milk Cause Acne?

For some, the idea that milk could cause skin issues is tough to swallow. After all, milk is heavily promoted as being healthy for us as an essential source of calcium. Dairy is even listed as its own food group by The United States Department of Agriculture. Learn more about...

5 Ways to Build a Skin Care Regimen that Works

5 Ways to Build a Skincare Regimen that Works

Navigating the beauty world at large can be a dizzying experience, especially when you’re on a mission to find a solution fast. Somewhere between a late-night YouTube/Instagram hole (which may or may not have been punctuated by a dimly-lit phone falling on our face, mid-scroll) and giving up altogether, there’s...


Skin Spots: Age Spots, Moles, Melasma, and Freckles Differences

All humans have some form of pigmented spotting along their skin. Whether you are born with these skin spots or develop them over time through aging or sun exposure, it’s essential to monitor your skin. You can discuss any changes in your skin markings with a dermatologist. Here are Skin...


7 Good and Bad Holiday Foods For Your Skin

For many people, the holiday season means family, good times, and of course, good food. Whether at a family get together or a company holiday party, you’re sure to be surrounded by delicious holiday treats. Did you know that some poor food choices can wreak havoc on your skin well...


6 Reasons Why Not to Pop that Pimple

Acne blemishes often appear very quickly. Your first reaction may be to pop the pimple. However, the short-term benefits of popping may end up leading to long-term harm to your skin. But there's a very good reason why you should have patience and wait for the zit to back off...

face serumss

The Perfect Face Serum for Every Skin Type

There is one step in our daily skin-care regimens that we dare not skip; it's applying a serum. Serums are the best way to deliver a highly concentrated, potent dose of active ingredients to the skin. Here are some tips to know the Perfect Face Serum for Every Skin Type....

effective skincare

5 Hacks for Skin Care Product to be more Effective

Women spend a lot of time (and a lot of money) on their beauty routine. A big part of that price tag comes from skincare. It is a lot more important than makeup. Makeup usually is for when you're having fun and going out. However, your skin is forever. Here...

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The Difference Between Blackheads and Whiteheads

Blackheads and Whiteheads are both types of clogged pores (comedones). They develop as skin pores become clogged with excess oil, dead skin cells, and other dirt or debris. Both are classified as noninflammatory acne: meaning they are inactive lesions that often do not become infected with bacteria. Also, they will not elicit an inflammatory...