Healthy Skin & Beauty Treatment Center

Skin Care Basics: Active Ingredients vs. Inactive Ingredients

Skin Care Basics: Active Ingredients vs. Inactive Ingredients

As mentioned in our previous article about creating the perfect skincare regimen, people should pay close attention to ingredient labels when selecting their skincare products. There are currently thousands of beauty products on the market, many of which make unsubstantiated claims regarding their effectiveness. The best way for consumers to...

5 Ways to Build a Skin Care Regimen that Works

5 Ways to Build a Skincare Regimen that Works

Navigating the beauty world at large can be a dizzying experience, especially when you’re on a mission to find a solution fast. Somewhere between a late-night YouTube/Instagram hole (which may or may not have been punctuated by a dimly-lit phone falling on our face, mid-scroll) and giving up altogether, there’s...