Healthy Skin & Beauty Treatment Center

Healthy Food Make Problem To Skin

4 Types of Healthy Foods That Can Wreck Your Skin

We all want flawless, beautiful skin. You've probably heard that beauty comes from within which in this case means the foods you eat. It's no surprise that eating a diet full of greasy, processed foods can lead to severe skin. However, what if so-called healthy foods are causing your skin problems?...

healthy woman

How To Prevent Your Skin From Sagging Like An Orange

Our skin health is important not only for your appearance but more importantly because your skin performs so many essential tasks for our body. Our skin protects our body from the many viruses and bacteria you are exposed to daily. It also protects you from the sun's rays - specifically...


Did You Know Moringa? The “Miracle Vegetable” With Huge Benefits To Our Health

Moringa oleifera. Also known as drumstick tree, is a highly valued and versatile plant which belongs to the Moringaceae family. (more…)

blemishes extraction

What a Facial Blackhead Blemish Is And How To Extract It Alone

Since skin is the largest organ in our body, caring for it should be at the top of our health routine. (more…)


2 Hours To “Look & Feel” 2 Years Younger! Possible?

Is your time limited but still want to maintain your fresh and young look? In Healthy Skin Phuket, we have a special 2 hours procedure to propose... (more…)

beauty consulting phuket

Staying In Phuket For a While? You’re In For a Treat :-)

Are you visiting Phuket Island for your holidays? Perfect! What if we told you, you could combine it with a FREE beauty & skin consultation at the place you stay... (more…)