Healthy Skin & Beauty Treatment Center

benefits of minifacelift

Comprehending the Pros and Cons of Mini Facelift

In the war on aging, the most powerful treatment option for significantly reversing the signs of facial aging is facelift surgery. A facelift is a surgical procedure that makes a face tighter and more youthful by surgically manipulating the facial skin and underlying muscle. A facelift can correct even the...


Age Spots Prevention and Treatment Options

Age spots (also referred to as “sun spots” or solar lentigines) are flat brown spots that are caused when the skin is chronically exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light, either from the sun or from tanning beds. This spotting occurs after cells in the skin react to UV exposure by overproducing...

woman on her 50s looks comfy

A Decade-By-Decade Beauty Treatment for Facial Aging

Everybody knows that wrinkles, volume loss that is hollowing of facial areas, and sagging of your skin are normal areas of growing older. It doesn't stop the dread that is included with seeing ramifications of aging on your own skin. Although it is impossible to reverse or avoid the signs...


Skin Spots: Age Spots, Moles, Melasma, and Freckles Differences

All humans have some form of pigmented spotting along their skin. Whether you are born with these skin spots or develop them over time through aging or sun exposure, it’s essential to monitor your skin. You can discuss any changes in your skin markings with a dermatologist. Here are Skin...


How Stress Hormone Cortisol Damage Your Skin Layer

We know what you’re thinking—what is cortisol exactly? Cortisol is a hormone that helps the body when you’re severely stressed. But cortisol, when produced in excess by the body, can be detrimental to your skin, causing acne and other inflammatory problems. Here is How Stress Hormone Cortisol Damage Your Skin...


6 Best Skin Care Tips In Your 20s

Many twenty-somethings face numerous skin challenges like acne or uneven skin tones. At the same time, a good skincare regimen should address these issues. The early to mid-twenties is also the perfect time to begin focusing on preventing future aging symptoms. Something called “prejuvenation.” Check the 6 Best Skin Care...


6 Effective Jowl Treatment Options

The face is more susceptible to aging and can be harder to hide than other areas of the body. Almost everyone develops jowls as they age, as the skin becomes thinner and less elastic over time.  So, here are the 6 Effective Jowl Treatment Options. (more…)


5 Ways to Exfoliate Different Skin Type

Exfoliation is a must for healthy skin. If you do not exfoliate, your skin will appear dull, be flaky, breakout, and feel rough. This skincare step is key if you want your skin to be smooth, blemish-free, and glow. So here are the 5 Ways to Exfoliate Different Skin Type. ...


6 Ways Antioxidants Improve Your Skin

Though “antioxidants” has become a popular buzzword for skincare marketers, the way antioxidants affect the skin is often misunderstood by the general public. Here are 6 Ways Antioxidants Improve Your Skin. (more…)


8 Essential Skincare Routines For Men

More men than ever before are striving for healthier, more youthful-looking skin. Each year our practice has witnessed an increasing number of men are turning to plastic surgery and minimally invasive cosmetic procedures to improve their overall appearance. Here are the 8 Essential Skincare Routines For Men. (more…)