Healthy Skin & Beauty Treatment Center

6 Effective Jowl Treatment Options

The face is more susceptible to aging and can be harder to hide than other areas of the body. Almost everyone develops jowls as they age, as the skin becomes thinner and less elastic over time.  So, here are the 6 Effective Jowl Treatment Options.

Face jowls develop as the skin loses elasticity and collagen (proteins in facial tissue). As these proteins deteriorate, the face loses firmness and tightness, causing the skin to sag. There are several effective treatments to get rid of sagging jowls.

And we breakdown it for you through this article.

6 Best Effective Treatments to Eliminate Jowls

1. Fillers

6 Effective Jowl Treatment Options

Dermal fillers will be injected into the soft tissue of the skin.

And to restore lost volume or fill in lines and wrinkles.

Fillers can provide dramatic results without the pain and necessary recovery inherent in surgical procedures.

To counteract the formation of jowls, fillers can be injected to lift both the cheeks and the skin around the jawline and mouth.

One of the best fillers for treating jowls is Sculptra since it instantly plumps the area where it is injected while simultaneously stimulating new collagen growth to provide a longer-term youthful appearing result.

While the results are not permanent, many patients will enjoy a noticeable improvement for 1-2 years or longer.

2. Thermage

6 Effective Jowl Treatment Options

This is a non-invasive laser tightening treatment with the ability to re-contour the skin.

It can transfer radiofrequency energy to the deep layers of the skin which firms up existing saggy collagen and elastin fibers while concurrently forcing the production of new collagen.

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Therefore, this is a great solution for younger patients who are in the early stages of jowl formation.

3. Ultherapy

6 Effective Jowl Treatment Options

Ultheraphy is a non-surgical laser-based procedure with the ability to tighten and firm the skin through the stimulation of collagen production.

However, Ultherapy uses ultrasound technology to lift and tighten the skin.

So, many patients receive good clinical results with a single treatment, though some people who have a fair amount of laxity may benefit from more than one treatment.

In one study, 70% of Ultherapy patients realized a significant improvement in the neck and jawline that continued to last months after their treatment.

4. Fraxel (CO2 Laser)

6 Effective Jowl Treatment Options

Fraxel Repair is an ablative CO2 laser system that can actually reduce the amount of skin surface through two methods.

First, the Fraxel Repair laser ablates targeted tissue (vaporizing tiny columns of the skin).

Secondly, the heat transferred during vaporization works to shrink the remaining skin while stimulating new collagen.

While more invasive than fillers, Thermage, and Ultherapy, Fraxel Repair and other CO2 systems offer quick and dramatic results as they have the power to reduce the volume of jowl-causing sagging skin within a single treatment.

5. Neck Lift

6 Effective Jowl Treatment Options

Neck lift surgery (platysmaplasty) is the most effective, but also most invasive, treatment for jowls.

So, it may be the only option available to patients with severe jowls or substantial laxity.

During a neck lift procedure, 1-inch incisions are made under the chin or behind the ears to the surgically remove excess skin and tighten loose muscles.

Compared to other options, neck lifts provide the most dramatic and long-lasting results.

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However, they are also more expensive and require longer recovery time.

6. Radiotherapy

Radiotherapy uses intense, radiating heat to stimulate the bundles of collagen and elastin fibers about 2 millimeters (mm) below the skin’s surface.

This causes the bundles to recoil and the skin to tighten.

Radiotherapy also stimulates the production of collagen by tricking the body into thinking connective tissues have been damaged.

Many people need to repeat sessions a few times a year for maximum results.

The most common brand name of radiotherapy for jowls is Pelleve.

Additional treatment options for jowls include:

  1. laser therapy
  2. chemical peels.

Additional therapies that may help treat jowls include:

  1. acupuncture and acupressure
  2. facial or lymphatic massage
  3. face building
  4. face yoga

The best treatment for jowls will depend on many different factors.

It’s always best to book a face to face consultation with a specialist to understand more about what treatment may be best for you and what results in your likely to achieve. 6 Effective Jowl Treatment Options.

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