Healthy Skin & Beauty Treatments Center


Enhance Your Inner Beauty With Ultherapy

Ulthera is a safe procedure for facial skin with an excellent long-term result and without a rehabilitation period. A rejuvenating non-surgical method of an effective fight against aging, sagging skin, and wrinkles. Ultrasound, affecting both the skin surface and the thick layers of the skin, promotes the natural recovery of cells, as...

healthy woman

How To Prevent Your Skin From Sagging Like An Orange

Our skin health is important not only for your appearance but more importantly because your skin performs so many essential tasks for our body. Our skin protects our body from the many viruses and bacteria you are exposed to daily. It also protects you from the sun's rays - specifically...

ultherapy phuket

Ultherapy, The New Non-Invasive Cosmetic Procedure To Look Younger

We have heard of countless horror stories about botched cosmetic surgeries that left physical and emotional scars to people with already low self-esteem.  Cosmetic surgeries always have risks, and the damages caused are irreparable. (more…)