Healthy Skin & Beauty Treatment Center

What a Facial Blackhead Blemish Is And How To Extract It Alone

Since skin is the largest organ in our body, caring for it should be at the top of our health routine.

Moreover, what you put into your body is just as important as what you put onto your skin. Eating healthfully is a large part of having healthy skin. Not smoking or drinking excessive alcohol can also help improve your skin

What Are Blackhead (or Blemish) Extractions?

During salon facial treatments, Blemish is extracted.  Blackheads and non-inflamed blemishes (also known as pore blockages or comedones) are manually removed, or obtained, from the skin during a facial procedure.

The thick plug of oil and dead skin cells is carefully pushed up and out of the pore, leaving smoother looking skin behind.  You’ll see an immediate difference in your skin — blackheads gone!  You’ll also get long-term benefits because those small pore blockages won’t be around to turn into larger, inflamed pimples.

How Are Extractions Performed?

First, the skin is prepared by lightly steaming the area. This helps to soften the plug of debris that’s set up camp in your pore, as well as expand the pore opening so that the plug squeezes out more easily.


Your esthetician may also exfoliate the skin before extractions begin.


Again, this helps prepare the comedone and the pore for easier extracting.

Next, the skin care therapist wraps her fingers in cotton or tissue and applies gentle pressure to the blackhead or blemish. Some therapists may also use a small metal implement called a comedone extractor.

With luck, the plug of the sebaceous matter is coaxed from the pore.

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Not only do extractions immediately improve the look of the skin (mainly if the blackhead was significant and visible), but done regularly, they can help reduce breakouts.

Extractions take place anywhere you have blackheads and blemishes — on the face, neck, chest, back, and shoulders.

Can Extractions Damage the Skin?

When done correctly, extractions don’t harm the skin.  Your skin may be slightly red for a brief time after extractions, only because of the manipulation and pressure put on the surface.  If your skin tends to be sensitive anyway, you’re more apt to notice redness after extractions.

However, extracting a blackhead correctly is easier said than done. It should never be forced to the surface. There must be extra careful if a comedone extractor was used because they can place much pressure on the skin if misused.

Only non-inflamed blemishes, like blackheads, closed comedones, and milia, can safely be extracted. Inflamed blemishes, acne papules, and cysts, for example, should never be removed except by your doctor.

 Applying any pressure to an inflamed pimple can damage the skin and cause scarring. Besides, it hurts!

Can You Do Your Extractions At Home?

If you’re gentle, careful, and selective, you can safely extract blemishes at home on your own.  It’s easiest to remove stains after a shower when the skin is warm and the pore blockage more pliable.

Remember to use clean hands, and only apply the gentlest of pressure.  If the blemish doesn’t extract, don’t force it.  Leave it for another day.

Don’t be tempted to use your fingernails to squeeze your blackheads. Using two cotton swabs or your fingers wrapped in tissue is much better for your skin.  Incorrect technique can make your blemish worse, rather than better.

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Never squeeze or try to “pop” a red, inflamed pimple.  This can scar your skin. 

Final Note

If you need guidance, ask your dermatologist or esthetician for extracting tips.  This will help you clear out your pores while keeping your skin safe.

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  • theVasilis

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    November 1, 2016 at 7:14 am

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