Healthy Skin & Beauty Treatment Center

benefits of minifacelift

Comprehending the Pros and Cons of Mini Facelift

In the war on aging, the most powerful treatment option for significantly reversing the signs of facial aging is facelift surgery. A facelift is a surgical procedure that makes a face tighter and more youthful by surgically manipulating the facial skin and underlying muscle. A facelift can correct even the...


6 Best Skin Care Tips In Your 20s

Many twenty-somethings face numerous skin challenges like acne or uneven skin tones. At the same time, a good skincare regimen should address these issues. The early to mid-twenties is also the perfect time to begin focusing on preventing future aging symptoms. Something called “prejuvenation.” Check the 6 Best Skin Care...


6 Effective Jowl Treatment Options

The face is more susceptible to aging and can be harder to hide than other areas of the body. Almost everyone develops jowls as they age, as the skin becomes thinner and less elastic over time.  So, here are the 6 Effective Jowl Treatment Options. (more…)


Lip Filler Guide: Comparing The Different Types Of Lip Injections

Are you interested in plumping your lips with lip injections? You’re not alone. Lip augmentation through the use of fillers has seen a significant rise in popularity over the last four years. Today’s lip fillers have the power to dramatically enhance the lips without the pain and risks of former...


How Long Does Microblading Last?

Microblading is a great treatment option for enhancing the appearance of the eyebrows. It’s a non-invasive procedure that has the ability to improve both the thickness and shape of the brows. Using fine hair like “strokes” The final result of microblading looks completely natural. (more…)


5 Effective Treatment Options for Freckles

Freckles are flat, circular spots that are usually small in size and brown or beige in color. They often develop in clusters on areas of the body that are regularly exposed to the sun, such as the face and forearms. However, freckles can develop on any area of the skin...