Healthy Skin & Beauty Treatments Center

3 Benefits of Spirulina for Skin

One of the most nutritious foods on the planet, gram for gram, spirulina is blue-green algae or cyanobacteria, that’s been praised for its many benefits.

Spirulina is a complete protein, contains all the essential amino acids and omega-3 fatty acids, and is rich in many nutrients, including B vitamins and iron.

Because of these qualities, spirulina makes a great addition to your skincare routine.

Potential benefits of spirulina for the skin

Based on studies done on this powerhouse ingredient, spirulina may help promote skin health in several ways.

Spirulina may have a positive effect on gut health, which may improve the appearance of the skin.

A healthy gut microbiome is associated with improved skin health, including the regulation of skin inflammation. Spirulina has been shown to promote healthier gut microbiota, and as a result, this could mean better skin health.

Although more research on humans and spirulina is needed, some animal studies suggest that the blue-green algae may help support gut health as people age. A 2017 study on older mice found that spirulina may preserve healthy gut bacteria during aging.

Although more research needs to be conducted, some studies have shown possible benefits associated with spirulina extracts in topical formulas.

Most of [these studies] indicate antioxidant benefits, a brightening effect, and moisturizing properties. These benefits are mostly associated with the use of spirulina extract, not the powdered form of it.

1. Anti-aging

Spirulina may provide anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects thanks to its many antioxidants.

Spirulina fights free radicals and, therefore, can prevent skin damage that can lead to wrinkles and signs of aging.

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Phycocyanin is the main active ingredient in spirulina and gives the algae its rich blue-green color. Phycocyanin helps activate cellular antioxidant activity, which eliminates free radicals.

Spirulina also contains many important amino acids, including glycine and proline, which keep the skin firm and support the body’s collagen production.

Spirulina for collagen production and skin tightening

Spirulina may increase growth factors in dermal fibroblast cells, which are responsible for creating collagen.

This could contribute to skin-tightening, but reiterating this needs further study.

May eliminate toxins
According to Hayag, there isn’t significant evidence available to prove that spirulina helps eliminate toxins in the body or skin.

Some literature suggests spirulina can help address experimentally induced heavy metal toxicity, specifically arsenic. However, this doesn’t translate well to our bodies and skin and requires further investigation.

In an older study from 2006, 41 patients with chronic arsenic poisoning took spirulina extract and zinc twice daily for 16 weeks. Results of the study found that spirulina extract plus zinc removed 47.1 percent of arsenic from their hair, suggesting that spirulina and zinc may be useful for treating chronic arsenic poisoning.

2. It may prevent candida

Some studies have indicated that spirulina may potentially prevent candida skin infection through antifungal activity. However, more research is needed.

A 2017 study evaluated the in vitro activity of spirulina against 22 strains of candida in guinea pig uteruses. The study found that the antifungal properties of spirulina could potentially be used in place of topical antifungal agents for candida treatment.

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3. Benefits for skin conditions

Unfortunately, there isn’t much evidence to support the claims that spirulina helps to diminish the appearance of acne, psoriasis, eczema, or tightening of the skin.

However, Spirulina possesses antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, which could help with conditions like acne and eczema, but this needs to be studied more in-depth.

Spirulina for acne

Applying a cream containing spirulina to the skin could be an alternative option for acne treatment due to its high antioxidant and antimicrobial effects. Spirulina might be a better option than local antibiotic therapy due to fewer side effects and no antibiotic resistance.

Spirulina for psoriasis

Spirulina helped to reduce the presence of psoriasis in mice. The study suggests spirulina could potentially be developed as a natural pharmaceutical for psoriasis treatment.

Spirulina for eczema

An ointment containing spirulina may help improve eczema symptoms when applied topically twice daily for 3 weeks.

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