Healthy Skin & Beauty Treatment Center


5 Impressive Health Benefits of Going Outside

How often do you spend the day outside? If you’re like many people, the answer is “not often enough.” Staying inside could be damaging your health, though. The great outdoors offers a number of surprising health benefits that you’ll miss out on if you never venture outside.

5 Reasons You Should Get Out Into The Fresh Air Today


1. You’ll be more active

It’s all too easy to be sedentary when you sit inside all day. When you go outside, though, you’re more likely to get some exercise, whether that means going for an impromptu walk or playing with your kids. Something about being out in the fresh air just encourages movement. If you’re trying to get healthier or shed a few pounds, spending more time outside is a good way to start.

2. You’ll feel less stressed out

Nature has a soothing effect on people. Spending some quiet, reflective time in the woods (or even on your front porch) will help you decompress, let go of the stressors of your day, and find your center again. If you’ve been anxious or under pressure lately, seize the next opportunity to go outside and take some deep breaths – you’ll notice a difference in how you feel.

3. You’ll get a vitamin D boost

We have a wide variety of foods readily available to us, and many of our meals are fortified with essential vitamins and minerals. Even so, lots of people are deficient in vitamin D. The sun is our best source of vitamin D, and people who spend most of the day cooped up in houses, offices, and schools usually don’t get enough of it.

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The solution? Spend at least fifteen minutes outside every day. If it’s warm enough, wear shorts and a T-shirt, so more of your skin can soak up the sunlight. Don’t wear sunscreen, since that blocks vitamin D absorption. If you’re planning to stay outside for a long time, you can put sunscreen on after fifteen minutes or so to prevent burning.

4. You’ll sleep better at night

Got insomnia? Spending more time outside might help you. Human bodies are made to sync with the natural rhythm of daylight and darkness, and staying up late in brightly-lit houses can throw our internal rhythm off. Often, just being outside as the sun moves across the sky can restore your inner balance and help you fall asleep more easily.

5. You’ll be happier and more creative

No question about it, getting into nature is right for your mental health. Seek out a green place to spend an afternoon, and you might notice that you feel happier and more at peace with the world. You might even find the answer to a problem that’s been bothering you. If you’re feeling blue or stuck in a mental rut, a long walk might be just the thing you need to snap out of it.

Are You Ready To Embrace Nature’s Power?


Nature is a powerful (and often-overlooked) health booster. If you want to improve your physical or mental health, look no further than your backyard or a local park. Don’t forget, Phuket Island in Thailand is full of places where you can walk in nature as well as on the sand in front of fantastic beaches.

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Why not combining your holidays in Phuket, with a beauty treatment that will make you feel so refreshed. How will you spend time in nature today?


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  • theVasilis

    Visitor Rating: 5 Stars

    July 16, 2017 at 1:37 pm